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more pay methods


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So i was planing on buying premium to fix the damn slow download speed (i get the dissension to cap it) but.. i can't. i don't have a creditcard (nor im i planning to get one), for my paypal l don't know my login anymore (its been more than 10 years sinds i last used that one). so there needs to be more options to pay.. evenmore so i saw dollar and pound but where is the euro currency?

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The Nexus does not need (or retain) your address information when you submit a payment. But your payment processor may require it. If you're using PayPal, you can say your name is "Santa Claus" and your address is "The North Pole". You'll have to log-in to PayPal with your real credentials to complete the transaction, which is between you and PayPal.


But... If you're using a bankcard, your bank will want your real information in order to verify you're the real cardholder. We don't hold any of that data, we just pass it along to the processor.


In any case, we *do* need your real "Country" information in order to charge the required amount of tax (VAT, or other.)


Side note for @Helghast071: Your payment mechanism will handle the currency conversion. We quote things in euros and USD only because those are the most common ones used.

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