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I would LOVE to find Bosmer-centric mod(s). It would most importantly include things like Rotmeth, Jagga, and other carnivorous recipes (I don't consider mushrooms a plant any more than I would consider nail fungus to be one, so these shouldn't be an issue to include in recipes. Eggs, milk, and honey would be fine too. Maybe some kind of breads/cakes using bone meal instead of flour?).


Antlers for Bosmer would be a bonus, as the creator of that mod for Skyrim can't port it due to the fact that they do not own Skyrim SE. Possibly some more bone and skin craft-able clothing?


Maybe a player home or two that are all made of animal skins and bones, rocks, etc., or that are inside live trees, like ESO.


I wish I was knowledgeable enough to make this myself, but honestly, I'd likely break not just my game but my entire computer if I attempted this myself. I would greatly appreciate anyone who could pull together something of this nature... Hunterborn and Frostfall compatability/semi-compatability would be amazing too.


Disclaimer: Yes, I know the Green Pact does not "technically" apply outside of Valenwood, but it is my opinion that after a lifetime of considering all the plants around you sacred and protected, it would be a difficult habit to break. Also, vegetables are an acquired taste. After eating only animal products your entire life, I imagine plant based diets would taste odd, and have an unpleasant texture. Not to mention some of the things that have happened because of the Green Pact are so deeply embedded in the Bosmeri people as to be considered a part of their culture, so things like skin and bones homes, or carnivorous cuisine, or forsworn-type clothing would probably "feel" like home.

Edited by unforgotten13
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