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Various questions about Fallout 4 Modding and Vortex


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I'm not sure If I'm in the right place but I have some semi-noobish questions. Sorry in advance for that long post.
I realized how time consuming modding Bethesda games was, so I just want to properly mod my games in order to avoid re-spending that time in the future.

It's been a few years since I modded a bethesda game, and now I'd like to build a stable and properly modded Fallout 4 game, in order to play it without any issue of course, but also because I know that I will reinstall and replay that game again in the future.
And the next time I will reinstall that game, I just want to retrieve all previously installed mod, and avoid to reinstall them one by one like I'm doing now.

I already did that kind of backup for some games, but they were not close to be as modable as Fallout or Skyrim. And even if it worked most of the time, every mod was installed manually.

Today I'm using Vortex in order to mod Fallout 4. I also do some .INI modifications.
Most of time I just drag and drop the mod in Vortex and follow the instructions (when available on the mod page) - and "it just works".
I don't even need to do that "Mod Order" thing because Vortex already do this automatically, if I’m right,. And with almost 90 mods installed currently, I just had something like 2 or 3 issues.

So here's my questions :

1. Can I just build a 7z archive or even a custom repack/installer of my current modded Fallout 4 game, AND a backup of my Vortex and Fallout configuration files to save everything ?
And will it be possible to just replace everything on a fresh windows install for example, in that way, mods and other configurations will be keeped ?

2. Is there a recommended way to tweak game files and install mods ? (or the drag n drop to Vortex is just working fine ?)

3. Is there a mod limit, and should I merge my mods to avoid this ? If Yes, then can I merge already merged files ?
(That merging stuff was already not easy for me with The Witcher 3)

4. Any Mod or file managing stuff to know in order to avoid stutter or long loading time in game ?
Does merging mods reduce loading time for example ?
(Curently I'm surprised that my game just works pretty fine with +90mods, even If stutters keep appearing sometimes (I'm playing on an old 2TB HDD))

5. If extracting an archive of the game and settings of Vortex is possible, can Vortex can also update old mods ?

That's all. I also planned to do a fresh windows install "soon", so I'm just asking before trying to install more than 100 mods and loose everything after that.
Thanks, and sorry again for the long post.


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