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7 Days To Die

Mod Request: Biofuel


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I liked biofuel before, it was a way for players to have a steady supply of fuel for various uses, but now at the same time as the game has added lots of new things that use fuel, it's removed one of the single largest ways to create fuel.


IRL, biofuel is made using methanol and lye, AKA grain alcohol and tallow, when refined they produce biodiesel and glycol, AKA fuel and acid.


This is much how biofuel worked in A16, and it stupefies me that they removed it. You can make lightbulbs and holodot sights, but you can't cook something people make in their woodsheds IRL? It makes no sense.


I'd love for somebody to bring back biofuel in some capacity, because as it stands, I'm afraid to actually use any of the shiny powered traps and 4x4 trucks because I don't want to end up gutting every single old car and then reverting to a mad max style quest for the last few drops of gas while strip mining the entire desert for ever-depleting shale supplies.

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