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Nordic Skyrim Guide got set to hidden


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So yea, the Nordic Skyrim Guide got set to hidden when I was about 3/4 the way through it. D'oh! Even the articles are down. It just says blame sammy1204. so screw that guy. I wish I wrote down the Nordic authors name at least.


The game will run for quick testing but randomly ctd's because I didn't get to the Bash Patch section to smooth/clean things. Does anyone have a backup of the guide?


Guess I'll restart from scratch and start doing Tuco 2.0. Bummer. But I at least have around 17Gb of the mods dl'd from Nordic.



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I was in the middle of my rebuild and unintentionally closed the browser. Upon opening it again I was met with the same notice. I know a lot of work went into the guide. I hope whatever the conflict is can be resolved. A lot of hard work to be lost is a huge bummer! And, selfishly, I really want to be able to use the guide for this build. Without knowing any details... I hope it all works out! :)

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Same thing happened to me... exited the tab by accident and of course its hidden now. Just got back into modding Skyrim SE and was stoked getting through each step with the wonderful guide :( Is there another way to see this guide? Or am i going to have to use a different guide now?

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I had the guide bookmarked because I used it to set up my Skyrim SE mods that I am using on this run, and when I come back to it to check sth I wanted about textures, I found it hidden and reasoning was some dudes nick (sammy1204). I was wondering what happened, cause I found the guide quite good and detailed. :(

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I was also about 3/4 the way through this guide, when I inadvertently clicked a link instead of opening it in a new tab. I wish there was more information about this; I've been working on this, a bit at a time, for the last three days. :(

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Edit3: Can start a new game. Can save/load, quicksave/quickload, deathload. However, exiting the game and relaunching in MO2 is getting a CTD on loading _any_ save.


Edit2: I hadn't cleared out my overwrite folder per the MO2 part of the guide. TIL I don't follow directions as well as I thought.


Edit: Wayback machine has the final steps part.



Not sure if this is why, but the guide references using Bethini 'later in the guide', but there's no section containing that. Could be it.


I'm troubleshooting, cause I got through it up to DynDOLOD, but it hangs on load with the DynDOLOD patch active. Without it, I can create a new game, save, quicksave, autosave, and can load from any of those. However, if I _die_, I get a CTD on loading any save. Not sure what is up with that, but am going to try starting a new save and activate after Helgen.

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