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Ignore list function


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I know there's a lot of bugs that the admins are working to fix, but I have a request/suggestion, whatever. It would be a lot easier to put someone on your ignore list if you could click on _their_ name and select "add to ignore list" instead of having to manually enter their name under your profile. You have to go through several screens right now to add them, and either remember how their name is spelled, or remember to copy and paste their name before going into your profile.


I mean I'll use it either way. I hate being punished due to other people's attitudes, but there is an easier way.

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For the most part this wouldn't be a bad idea but remember that there are already a few functions attached to the mouse hovering over the username of a member. Also keep in mind this may be in the works. Dark0ne's plans tend to be far-reaching though he keeps his ear to the ground to hear the rumbling of the masses.
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