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Skyrim Climbing


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I don't know about anybody else, but I often find myself thinking that there are a lot of things that I should be able to climb on top of if it were in real life(such as climbing on top of the shelves in the cargo cave in riften, or even some boulders. The current work around is to use the console command "tcl".


I have never created a mod but I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult to make this one. Just set up a macro or something similar so that when a specific key is pressed it will turn tcl on and allow you to climb, pressing the key again will turn tcl off.


If you want to get fancy you could create a climbing animation but that would require a lot more work I'm sure. One other thing you could do to make it improve it would be to somehow make it more seemless, as I'm sure there would be a short pause when pressing the button(causeing the console to open up breifly). Once again I don't know how to create mods so I'm going on the assumption it would do that.


Anyway if there is more interest then great, if not, I'll continue my work around.



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  • 1 year later...

HI, i love this idea and think it would be a great gameplay improvement while trekking through the land of Skyrim. I've often found myself thinking the same thing about having the ability to climb objects such as small cliff faces, water falls, and even the houses in towns and cities and all the forts found all around the map. I would love to see a mod like this on the nexus, there is something similar on the nexus but the climbing ability unfortunately[( even though it's a great mod) only applies to werewolves, but i would love to see one that applies to all as i'm am a big fan of games in which i can race across the rooftops and climb up obstacles tall and short such as Assassins creed and after playing the third game wondered why someone hadn't created a mod for Skyrim that gave the same environmental laws. i'm no mod creator but i am crossing my fingers for someone to create this mod, Thank you for putting this idea out on the nexus :smile:

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Like Sinding the Werewolf who climbed the Wall of he's Prison Cell, thus when we stand at a high enough area, we press the Use Button and start Auto Climbing. You dont have to be a Werewolf to do it.


I dont know if theres an Animation for Ladder Climbing, but it would be weird to see yourself climb a wall of a House.

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