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Dual Wield Parry for SKSE


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This game has been around for awhile now and I'm so surprised nobody has created a mod that simply adds a Parry Key for Dual Wielders.


I've tried the one and only Dual Wield Parrying mod that currently exists on Nexusmods.com and that one just doesn't work. I have to use something I've never even heard of called Script Dragon to make it work properly or else manually install a different version that simply turns the right mouse button into a functional Parry/Block key while Dual Wielding. Neither version is suitable and I've looked over the steam workshop & nexusmods and can't seem to find one single mod that would simply add a Parry Key for Dual Wielders.


It would work just like block but no bashing of course. The damage mitigated by the Parry would have to be lower than that of a block from a shield too.


You should not be able to Parry with one hand and Attack with the other. You would have to make it so that when you Parry while Dual Wielding it works just like Two-Handed Parry does.

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yes please. Why didnt they add this originally? cant block with two weapons? wtf?


Because dual-wielding is already overpowered. You add the ability to block, and there's no point in using any other combat style.

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