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console command to advance rank?


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Does anyone know a console command to advance rank in the fighters guild? I'm at the point right before the azani blackheart stage, but I need to advance to begin it, and the game wont let me for some reason. I'm sure its a mod conflict, since I'm running over 200, but I dont wanna play around tring to figure it out. Any suggestions?
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Does anyone know a console command to advance rank in the fighters guild? I'm at the point right before the azani blackheart stage, but I need to advance to begin it, and the game wont let me for some reason. I'm sure its a mod conflict, since I'm running over 200, but I dont wanna play around tring to figure it out. Any suggestions?

player.modfactionrank <faction name> 1


Pretty sure the faction is Fightersguild, but could be wrong. A simple player.getinfaction fightersguild would return a 1 if this was correct. Doing anything beyond this may cause other issues.

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