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Quest Alias


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So i'm trying to make a mod that adds the berserk perk to your character when you draw a certain weapon. I created a new quest, quest alias, attached my script, and made the conditions. It would be great if someone who knew how to make a quest could take a look at this for me. I attached a screen shot of the quest alias options and my script. I'm not even sure if I'm doing it right



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one question: do you want this weapon to only add the perk during the quest? And secondly is the weapon unique or is this for any weapon the player draws.


If the weapon is unique and the perk is only supposed to apply during the quest I would suggest making the weapon a reference and adding a script to that alias which adds the perk on the weapon being equipped and removes it when the weapon is unequipped.


Also, from the screenshot it looks ok script wise. I can't quite read the screenshot thought. But i would suggest making the alias optional because of the conditions placed on it, or I would just remove them all together because your script is also adding the same conditions really from the looks of it.


Either place the conditions in the script or on the alias. no need to have it in both places, especially if the conditions are on the alias because if the aliase is filled the conditions for the script would be true already anyway from the looks of it.

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This is my script right now:


Scriptname TruthRageQuest extends ReferenceAlias


Perk property PowerOrcBerserk auto

Keyword property TruthSword auto


Event OnObjectEquipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference)

........if (akBaseObject as weapon)

................if (akBaseObject as weapon).HasKeyword(TruthSword)

........................if Game.GetPlayer().IsWeaponDrawn()


................................Debug.MessageBox("Rage Mode")





Edited by McGLax20
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