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Armor and Clothing pics too large & out of position on crafting sc


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Hi guys and gals,


When i look through all the armors, and in some cases, clothing pieces i can make when Smithing, the pictures are too large or too small and even out of place on the screen. Has anyone else run into the this? Any idea why it happens? :rolleyes:

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Hi guys and gals,


When i look through all the armors, and in some cases, clothing pieces i can make when Smithing, the pictures are too large or too small and even out of place on the screen. Has anyone else run into the this? Any idea why it happens? :rolleyes:


I've had this happen to me. I've noticed that it happens randomly with the majority of items (usually vanilla items) but consistently with one or two custom gear mods.


I'm not entirely certain if the custom gear mods are to blame because despite having them installed, the misplaced/wrongly sized items glitch hasn't happened in the last little while.


The only things I've done during that period was install/uninstall some non-gear related mods and shift the load order around a little bit, placing most of my custom gear mods mostly in the middle of the load order.

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