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Can't find perk


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I'm trying to make a perk that combines all companion perks, so the player doesn't need to have all companions in order to have their perks. But when i try to add it in-game, i get this error

Item XXA1169C not found for parameter Perk. Compiled script not saved!

I tried from 00 to 25, even though my load order is smaller, but still the same error. I also tried to add the perk with this mod, it says "1 perk found" but it won't show the perk.

Here's the file, it's not completed yet.

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I have no idea how much you know about creating and adding a Perk, but your problem statement indicates some confusion. Suggest you see the wiki article "How to create a perk" first.


You are creating your own ESP (which adds that Perk to the game), so the "xx" in your "XXA1169C" Reference-ID has to be the mod index of your new ESP within your "load order" at the time you try to add it "in-game". (If you aren't familiar with the term "mod index", please see "TIP - Limit to mod size" under the "GECK and the Active File" section of the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article.

A "Perk" is not an "item", so the "Item Browser" mod is the wrong choice. Typically you can only add a Perk as a choice from the "Level Up" menu. For testing purposes, you want to use some "cheat" mod like "Fallout NV Cheat Terminal Redux" which lets you add any Perk regardless of it's usual requirements.



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I have no idea how much you know about creating and adding a Perk, but your problem statement indicates some confusion. Suggest you see the wiki article "How to create a perk" first.

Thanks. I don't know much, this is my first mod actually. I've edited some mods with fnvedit before but never created my own in geck. The only thing i can understand is scripting and not even that much, bethesda kinda made it complicated. I could use some sources if you have any, geck.bethsoft.com didn't help much




You are creating your own ESP (which adds that Perk to the game), so the "xx" in your "XXA1169C" Reference-ID has to be the mod index of your new ESP within your "load order" at the time you try to add it "in-game". (If you aren't familiar with the term "mod index", please see "TIP - Limit to mod size" under the "GECK and the Active File" section of the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article.

I know load order. AllCompanionVanillaPerks.esp (my mod) is in 17th order but for some reason i always get that error i mentioned above. 17, 18, even 25 even though i don't have that many mods, it's still giving the same error

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Re: Your Perk reference. I presume you are/were testing using "Player.AddPerk" function after you had created your new Perk and installed it. Note the example given there: the "PerkID:ref" used is the "Editor-ID" (LittleSlugger) of the "Perk", not the "Reference-ID" you are attempting. Functions are very particular about the type of "ref" they take. The examples are often the only clue as to which type is intended. (Please see the 'GECK Form-ID, Base-ID, Ref-ID, and Editor-ID' section of the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article regarding the differences.) I should have caught that the first time around.

The largest section of the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article is "Scripting". Try working through some of the tutorials, and then see if there is a "TIP" related to your particular issue. It does indeed get convoluted. Much of "scripting" is also performed in "Result Scripts" of "Dialog". Check out that section in the "Getting Started" guide as well.


You want to use the GECKWiki.com (not geck.bethsoft.com) for function reference. The community stopped using the "official" site because it was too cumbersome to edit (5 reCAPTCHAs per edit) and couldn't get Bethesda to fix it. The community finally cloned the wiki instead. GECKWiki is the only one with current functions for JIP NVSE (etc.) and new discoveries.



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Re: Your Perk reference. I presume you are/were testing using "Player.AddPerk" function after you had created your new Perk and installed it. Note the example given there: the "PerkID:ref" used is the "Editor-ID" (LittleSlugger) of the "Perk", not the "Reference-ID" you are attempting. Functions are very particular about the type of "ref" they take. The examples are often the only clue as to which type is intended. (Please see the 'GECK Form-ID, Base-ID, Ref-ID, and Editor-ID' section of the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article regarding the differences.) I should have caught that the first time around.


The largest section of the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article is "Scripting". Try working through some of the tutorials, and then see if there is a "TIP" related to your particular issue. It does indeed get convoluted. Much of "scripting" is also performed in "Result Scripts" of "Dialog". Check out that section in the "Getting Started" guide as well.


You want to use the GECKWiki.com (not geck.bethsoft.com) for function reference. The community stopped using the "official" site because it was too cumbersome to edit (5 reCAPTCHAs per edit) and couldn't get Bethesda to fix it. The community finally cloned the wiki instead. GECKWiki is the only one with current functions for JIP NVSE (etc.) and new discoveries.



Thanks for all the information. I just realized that i was writing the formid (i think) wrong, it's XXa1196c but i kept writing XXa1169c. I looked at it several times but still kept seeing 69 though, i think my mind was confused

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Re: Your Perk reference. I presume you are/were testing using "Player.AddPerk" function after you had created your new Perk and installed it. Note the example given there: the "PerkID:ref" used is the "Editor-ID" (LittleSlugger) of the "Perk", not the "Reference-ID" you are attempting. Functions are very particular about the type of "ref" they take. The examples are often the only clue as to which type is intended. (Please see the 'GECK Form-ID, Base-ID, Ref-ID, and Editor-ID' section of the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article regarding the differences.) I should have caught that the first time around.


The largest section of the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article is "Scripting". Try working through some of the tutorials, and then see if there is a "TIP" related to your particular issue. It does indeed get convoluted. Much of "scripting" is also performed in "Result Scripts" of "Dialog". Check out that section in the "Getting Started" guide as well.


You want to use the GECKWiki.com (not geck.bethsoft.com) for function reference. The community stopped using the "official" site because it was too cumbersome to edit (5 reCAPTCHAs per edit) and couldn't get Bethesda to fix it. The community finally cloned the wiki instead. GECKWiki is the only one with current functions for JIP NVSE (etc.) and new discoveries.



Thanks for all the information. I just realized that i was writing the formid (i think) wrong, it's XXa1196c but i kept writing XXa1169c. I looked at it several times but still kept seeing 69 though, i think my mind was confused


Nevermind its still not working, i'll look at those links to see if i can find anything. Thanks for the help.

By the way is there a way to uncheck all dlc when opening geck? Whenever i open geck it checks all the dlc and it takes time to uncheck them all

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I made a terminal that runs this script when player presses "Add "AllVanillaCompanionPerks" perk"

player.addperk AllVanillaCompanionPerks

and it's working perfect, it gives me the perk and the perk is fully functional. However i can't add the perk with console, when i write <player.addperk 1CA1196C> (yes i'm writing it without the carrots) it gives the error i mentioned above. When i hover over the perk in geck it displays this

Edited by MrKeytil
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Have you tried using "player.addperk AllVanillaCompanionPerks"? (I seen mixed usage of the "Base-ID" and the Editor-ID" with that command. The GECKWiki example uses the "Editor-ID".)


Otherwise my guess would be you have the mod-index from your current "load order" wrong in the console.


Do let us know what finally works. It's something we should clarify.



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Have you tried using "player.addperk AllVanillaCompanionPerks"? (I seen mixed usage of the "Base-ID" and the Editor-ID" with that command. The GECKWiki example uses the "Editor-ID".)


Otherwise my guess would be you have the mod-index from your current "load order" wrong in the console.


Do let us know what finally works. It's something we should clarify.



No, it's still not working. I tried another perk mod and it's working perfect when i player.addperk the mod's perk (XX000B5F) it gives me the perk, when i do the same with my perk it just gives the same error, again and again and again. No matter what load order i write, still the same error (i tried from 00 to 30, my mod list is less than 20). You can see my mod here, maybe you can find what's wrong with it. It's working perfect when adding the perk on terminal, i just can't player.addperk

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Have you tried using "player.addperk AllVanillaCompanionPerks"? (I seen mixed usage of the "Base-ID" and the Editor-ID" with that command. The GECKWiki example uses the "Editor-ID".)


Otherwise my guess would be you have the mod-index from your current "load order" wrong in the console.


Do let us know what finally works. It's something we should clarify.



I finally found the problem, for some reason my mod load order is increased by 1, nexus mod manager shows the last mod as 1C but last mod is 1D in-game. Thanks for all the help

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