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Broken textures


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MMUE conflicts with YUP. Choose one or the other but not both. (Sorry, should have caught that earlier.)


Our current understanding is that if you have a plugin (active or not) installed in the "Data" folder, the game engine loads it up into memory when it starts. This can cause problems such as conflicts, even though the plugin is not "actively" used by the game; and it does count against the "plugin cap". However, the plugin cap is mostly a guideline as to "more than this the game starts to have memory issues" and it really depends upon the mix of plugins and textures involved and how much meomry they collectively consume as to when that occurs. You have a limited amount (4GB when patched; 2GB by default) of memory available to the game and every plugin of any nature consumes some of that memory. Add to this that the game can be shown to have "memory leaks" which eventually cause it to CTD.


Additionally, any time you remove a plugin from your current play-through you risk corrupting your save game files. This is because they typically store information there as to the state of their variables and quests. If you picked up a unique (non-vanilla) item added by a mod, that item (like any item you pick up) is stored in the save game, but also requires the plugin it came from to be available as that item's "source records". Hence the general advice to never remove a plugin from your current game.


So, convenient or not, uninstall those inactive plugins. Once you do play them, leave them in your game. At the very least, if you think they are "completed" and you have not kept any of their "unique" items, make sure you know which was the last save game prior to removing the mod and are prepared to have to revert back to it when things go wrong later on (no matter how many hours later that may be).


While it may seem as if we have taken a long time to get to this point, we have been working on the "fundamentals" of a stable game. Any error can mask other errors that are not revealed until the preceding one is resolved. Everything done so far needed to be done, and our hope had been that would be enough to resolve your problems. But now we are down to the "technical fixes" that only you can do and they will require you to either educate yourself or live with the problems.


As for your "clothes" texture, please see "Issue - Find the source mod-index of an object in-game" under the 'Solutions to Mesh (Red "!" icon) or Texture (solid color) problems' section of the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" article. That will tell you if the clothing article is from a particular mod. If so, you then need to use FNVEdit(xEdit) to identify which records are in conflict.


The Tome of xEdit is the current online xEdit manual for all games. In particular you want the section on "Conflict detection and Resolution".


Both your weapon mods should be resolved in a similar manner. You do need to know that the "ground mesh" of a weapon lying on the "ground" of a cell is separate from that used when it is "equipped". So you need to get the "mod index" when you are holding it as that is the one that is "broken". As mentioned earlier in this thread, the mesh has the path to the texture file it uses embedded in it. Where it is "broken", it is using the wrong file. You have to either copy the correct version of the file to replace the one currently pointed to (renaming the copied file using the exact same name and path as the one it is replacing), or change the path in the NIF file to point to the correct one. Please see the wiki "How to fix hard-coded texture paths in NIF files" article which explains what is involved in determining this filename and path.

FYI: You posted your load order within "spoiler" tags as requested. However, the tags were in the LO list you copied to your clipboard, but apparently you pasted them inside some other form of tag (code, perhaps), which is why they are not functioning as intended. You can go back and edit that post until you get correct so you understand how to do so in the future. (Just paste from the clipboard directly into the post as with any other text.) If you will tell me how the instructions led you astray, I will refine them to be clearer to others.



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Hello, i tried all the fixes listed and i still failed, maybe because i still cant wrap my head completely around those programs. but so far i fixed almost everything by installing mods that change the texture (primitive fix i know) but it worked well enough. all i can say now is thank you for the huge help you guys have been and i wouldn't have gone this far without you.

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