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I don't buy the "so much time and so many features" argument, because if that was the case then 8 months later (from release, not RTM) they would have added what they didn't have time for but "meant" to add before the time crunch. Instead it's lets add "oooh, Vampires", we can make a few more quid off "ooh, Vampires".......
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But the DLC is a "feature" that requires their time and effort - same with new projects, new games. Only so much time to do the things they consider important - and they must have felt it was good enough that it's not a major priority to expand on.
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problem's not modding. Problem is where beth is taking this series. Seems like they used to include some things that are no more... from other skyrim forum guy posting:


''What happened to the NPCs giving you a vague description of where to go? So when you're doing a quest you have to remember to keep your eyes open and use the area to find who/what you're looking for.


What happened to the mix and matching your armor pieces, looking for the 1 of the 3 daedric helms to perfect your armor set?


What happened to actually traveling on foot and taking a silt strider or boat and not just opening up the map, fast traveling and bam being at the city.


What happened to large open cities that were under constant bandit attack?


What happened to spears?''


it seems the place where i'd take this game is exactly the place beth is moving it from, lol

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... Did they even try to make this game good? 'Cause to me, it looks like at some point they were like... mfg off with you


Well, without getting into what's "good" or not or addressing your criticism of the mechanics (with which for the most part I agree. And don't even get me started on Skyrim's inability to wheel the camera around your char while moving!):


I do enjoy the game (modded as mine is) but whatever it was that Bethesda was trying to do, imo the result (as has been posted before) was a big beautiful sandbox in which to play. Very little else. Maybe especially after coming over from FONV (which, imo, actually made an effort to develop characters and story) it feels rather empty on any other level. I'm reminded of one of the Khajiit caravaner's lines: "the more I travel the roads of Skyrim, the more empty this land seems." Perhaps some kind of verbal easter egg installed by a frustrated Beth employee in in the story writing dept.? :tongue:


I realize that companies make games on a budget but, rather than allocating resources to write stories out in a gazillion books, and having a gazillion available followers and a gazillion radiant fetch quests, I wonder if those same resources wouldn't have been better allocated to story development and it's close cousin character development. Imo there was more meat to the companion Veronica's questline in FONV than in the entire skyrim game. And, though I'm trying to keep an open mind on Dawnguard, it doesn't seem like it's going to expand on/ tie into the story like the FONV DLC's did.


Perhaps Bethesda should have concentrated on building the worldspace, and farmed everything else out to Obsidian.

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problem's not modding. Problem is where beth is taking this series. Seems like they used to include some things that are no more... from other skyrim forum guy posting:


''What happened to the NPCs giving you a vague description of where to go? So when you're doing a quest you have to remember to keep your eyes open and use the area to find who/what you're looking for.


What happened to the mix and matching your armor pieces, looking for the 1 of the 3 daedric helms to perfect your armor set?


What happened to actually traveling on foot and taking a silt strider or boat and not just opening up the map, fast traveling and bam being at the city.


What happened to large open cities that were under constant bandit attack?


What happened to spears?''


it seems the place where i'd take this game is exactly the place beth is moving it from, lol


OK i'll agree with that. But they're taking a lot of stuff from this community, the modding community. If we show them what we want, they will add it. Look at dual wielding in skyrim, the leveling system, even iron sights in new vegas... But also I see a little of you in myself. I hated fallout new vegas when it came out. Mods made the game an amazing game for me :) Mods can disable fast travel, mods can open up cities, and as for the quests, i never listen to the npcs, I just look at the map and read what I'm looking for.


We can't just write about it and have our problems fixed, we must wave the flag in the air and show them. We must improve upon their game for them and tell them what we want to see.

Edited by modsrkool
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We can't just write about it and have our problems fixed, we must wave the flag in the air and show them. We must improve upon their game for them and tell them what we want to see.


Look at the wildly popular Willow companion mod in FONV. From what I can tell, the main reason it's popular because Willow adds some personality to the game. I sure hope Bethesda takes note of that and adds some life to vanilla companions in future ES and FO releases.

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