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Please LIE to me


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Noes, although I do thank you for that DMM. I admit I'm being a bit of a whiney. I do have stuff going on out in real life, and y'know TES had always been my oasis.


However I agree with you at the same time. You cannot just read a post in which someone criticizes a game, and just say ''ok we get you don' t like the game, now why are you here.'' Man, are you serious.


I played Oblivion almost non-stop for my last two years in High School. And I mean it when I say almost non-stop. I played every day for like two years. I probably have gone beyond the 200-add-another-0 hours. I remember discovering modding as one of my life's most amazing discoveries.


And I can't, I can't help it when memories of Oblivion pop. I just found that those things in which the game seemed to be far more difficult than your average adventure game, are actually the memories I'm more fond of now.


Blowing my mind at the way I randomly discovered the thieves guild one night at Waterfront VS. Approach Riften, three different people loudspeaking to me about the guild's presence in the city and how shady it is. Before I've even made ten steps into the place.


It's this kind of thing. The way in which they just spit the attractions at you.


So yes I may be whining, but man better be careful with who you call a troll here.

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To the OP;


In my previous post I didn't call you a Troll...but I did insinuate it. I love Skyrim. I also agree with you that it has many drawbacks. I suppose I just took a little offense. I apologize for insinuating that you were Trolling. Not my place to do so as the DMM pointed out in previous post, and I am not above admitting I was wrong.


I am not one to deny someone the right to voice their opinion. I spent a career defending that very right. No one needs to own or even have played the game to be a member on these forums. Not my business to question why you're here.

We each play the game in our own way and get different things from it. If the forums were just for Skyrim lovers it would get pretty dull. Looking forward to your next post/thread...even if I don't like it.

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The person I was referencing repeated the word "Troll" over and over, and didn't write half as well as you. Still not arsed to find that guy's name.


When I remember Oblivion, I remember ass-ugly faces, 6 voice actors and a handful of disconnected quests. There were good memories, but most of those were replaced by Skyrim.

Edited by DaedalusMachina
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I have to agree. I finished the main questline, and decided to join the companions. Instead of gloriously accepting me, they go "Uhh, I've never heard of this guy. You sure about that?" And then, "Whelp, you haven't proven yourself yet!"

Well, I f***ing saved the world and you don't know who I am, let alone insult me!?


It's really immersion breaking. I tried to lie.

Edited by Lutine
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