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Combat Armor, different textures, same model


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Proximitus - Hello!


" the combat armor, rivet city security outfit, talon combat armor, reilly's rangers outfit, all have different textures. They use the same model though and I was wondering, how did they do that in geck? "


You are correct, they do all use the same model.


It's a thing called Texture sets:




You can find them in the Object Window under Miscellaneous - Texture Set.


You can create a new one in there, assign it a Diffuse map (the basic texture) & a Normal map (the texture that gives depth) & even Glow & Enviroment maps too.


Once you have a Texture Set, you can add it to an object by clicking on Edit by it's model (as if you are going to choose a new model). Instead of browsing for a new model, click on Alternate Texture & assign your texture set to the parts you wish changed.


You'll see the model change in the render window.


You'd then rename the object you just changed the texture on (so it becomes a new object & does not overwrite the original).


It's handy for things that use the same model but just have a different texture.


In those cases it also means you don't have to change the textures in multiple .nif's through Nifskope which is the traditional method.


It also saves you having to pack the model into your mod if it's a vanilla one.


Like I said earlier though, only really of use if the models share the same UV or are at least simillarly set up in how their texture works.


Hope this helps!



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