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Leather Jerkin, Sleeves, and Pants with Studded/Scaled Armor


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One thing about Skyrim's armors which has always bothered me (and I know I'm not alone in this) is the absence of pants, sleeves, and gloves with lighter armors like Hide, Studded, and Scaled Armor. I know the Nords can handle Skyrim's icy climate with minimal protective clothing, so I can sort of let it slide when I see half naked Nord bandits living in arctic conditions, but for everyone else (like my own Imperial immigrant from Cyrodiil), I'd prefer some warmer armor. The thing is, though, I really do like how the Hide, Studded, and Scaled Armor skirts look — I'd just like to add to those outfits. I also like how the Imperial Light and Studded Imperial Armor vests look, and would like to combine them with the Studded and Scaled Armor skirts, along with suitable sleeves and pants.


One modder who is well known for addressing these common gripes is FranklinZunge, who authored the Hide Armor with Sleeves, Stormcloaks with Sleeves, Studded Chainmail, and Scale and Fur mods, among others. I have really enjoyed those mods, since they implemented some of the very same things I've wanted to see. However, I'm wondering if someone would take some requests to expand on the theme of adding pants, sleeves, and fur to light armors. This is what I'd like to do:


1. Add an alternate version of male Leather Gauntlets that uses the female Leather Gauntlets model (which is less flared-out at the elbows and thus does not clip as much with various sleeves), resized for males, with the gloves from Fur Gauntlets attached (like the "Fur Leather Gauntlets" in FranklinZunge's mod).


2. Add another alternate version of male Leather Gauntlets just like the above, but using the gloves from Iron Gauntlets instead of those from Fur Gauntlets.


3. Add an alternate version of Fur Gauntlets using Iron Gauntlets with the iron plates removed.


4. Add an alternate version of Fur Boots using Iron Boots with the iron plates removed.


5. Add an alternate version of Fur-Lined Boots using Boots model 0003452F (https://skyrim.gamep...File:Boots2.png), with the boot cuffs replaced with the fur from Hide Boots.


6. Add an alternate version of male Imperial Light Armor called "Light Leather Armor" with the following components:

  • Torso: the leather jerkin from Imperial Light Armor (with the protruding shoulder-lappets removed)
  • Chest: the cross-belt harness from Studded Armor (strapped over the Imperial Light Armor vest)
  • Collar: a furred collar like the one FranklinZunge used for his Scale and Fur Armor (to replace the red shirt-collar portion of the Imperial Light Armor's collar)
  • Shoulders: the pauldrons from Scaled Armor (with the steel shoulder guard removed)
  • Upper arms: the sleeves from the Stormcloak Cuirass (sleeved) armor, recolored to match the Imperial Light Armor's vest, with the furred shoulder padding from Steel Armor layered over them (covering up the chainmailed portions on the sleeves) and recolored to match the Studded Armor skirt's fur color (white/yellowish brown)
  • Lower arms: the (non-chainmailed) forearm sleeves that FranklinZunge used in his Hide Chainmail armor, recolored to match the Stormcloak Cuirass's sleeves (hopefully not clipping with any bracers/gauntlets)
  • Waist: the skirt from Studded Armor, with the leather portions recolored to match the leather jerkin's color (browning out all the metal studs on the thigh-guards and belt, except for the central belt piece)
  • Legs: the brown trousers FranklinZunge used in the Hide Chainmail armor (these don't clip with any boots, unlike various other pants)


7. Add an alternate version of Light Leather Armor with all the same components as listed above, except replacing the skirt's fur portion with the Scaled Armor skirt's fur.


8. Add an alternate version of male Studded Armor called "Full Studded Armor" with the following components:

  • Torso: the leather jerkin from Studded Imperial Armor (with the protruding shoulder-lappets left intact)
  • Chest: same as Light Leather Armor
  • Collar: same as Light Leather Armor
  • Shoulders: same as Light Leather Armor, except with the steel shoulder guard left intact
  • Upper arms: same as Light Leather Armor, except without the furred shoulder padding from Steel Armor layered over the sleeves (leaving the chainmailed portions exposed)
  • Lower arms: same as Light Leather Armor
  • Waist: same as Light Leather Armor, except with all the metal studs on the thigh-guards and belt left intact
  • Legs: same as Light Leather Armor


9. Add an alternate version of male Scaled Armor called "Full Scale Armor" with the following components:

  • Torso: same as Scaled Armor
  • Chest: same as Scaled Armor
  • Collar: same as Full Studded Armor
  • Shoulders: same as Full Studded Armor
  • Upper arms: same as Full Studded Armor
  • Lower arms: same as Full Studded Armor
  • Waist: same as Scaled Armor
  • Legs: same as Full Studded Armor


10. Add alternate versions of Light Leather, Full Studded, and Full Scale Armor called "Furred Light Leather Armor", "Furred Studded Armor", and "Furred Scale Armor" with the following components:

  • Torso: same as Light Leather/Full Studded/Full Scale Armor
  • Chest: same as Light Leather/Full Studded/Full Scale Armor
  • Collar: same as Light Leather/Full Studded/Full Scale Armor
  • Shoulders: same as Light Leather/Full Studded/Full Scale Armor
  • Upper arms: the sleeves from Fur Armor, with the furred shoulder padding from Steel Armor layered over them
  • Lower arms: same as Light Leather/Full Studded/Full Scale Armor
  • Waist: same as Light Leather/Full Studded/Full Scale Armor
  • Legs: the leggings from Fur Armor, fitted closer around the knees and lower legs so as not to clip with various boots


Hope someone likes these ideas and that they're not too difficult to implement. Let me know what you think.

Edited by The Shroud
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  • 2 weeks later...

I took a crack at rendering a very rough presentation of one of my above proposals in Blender. I am a total novice at working with meshes, but this gives a general idea of what I'm aiming for:




Not sure why the Stormcloak Cuirass's sleeves are showing up black right now (they appear brown in-game). I also need to figure out how to merge the lower sleeves to the upper sleeves and get the Scaled Armor's cross-belt harness and pauldrons to fit over the Imperial Light Armor's vest without distorting its shape too much (I tried applying the Shrinkwrap modifier to the vest and wrapping it around the body mesh's torso, but it didn't look very good). Any advice on those things would be most welcome.


I also plan to use the furred shoulder padding from Steel Armor to cover up the chainmail on the sleeves, and possibly use the pauldron-like leather padding from the sleeves of Fine Clothes (the brown version) as well. Then I want to substitute Studded Armor's cross-belt harness for the Scaled Armor's harness, swap out Scaled Armor's central belt-piece for the one on Studded Armor, and add a furred collar from Fur Armor.


Anyhow, if this interests anyone, let me know.

Edited by The Shroud
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