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All mods that contain plugins are bugging saved games


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Hello friends. I got an issue with mods. All mods that contain PLUGINS (after downloaded them and installed via NMM) cause game to crash to desktop while loading ANY saved game. After uninstalling them I run game via launcher then exit it and start again via SKSE. That method I use to make saved games load again and work normal as they used to (maybe this will be helpful to some1). All mods that does NOT have plugins are working perfect. Question is - why plugins make game to crash while loading saved games? I tried different mods that have plugins on clean save etc. but result is same. Can some1 maybe give me a tip where to look / what to try to fix this problem? There are many great plugins that I want to use but they contain plugins. Let me just say that I did fresh reinstall, updated game to last patch, tried to use mentioned mods with plugins on just installed game via NMM, never touched or messed with configuration files etc. Ty for any answer u have. :thumbsup:
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Ever since 1.6 I've been having problems like this. For instance, when i load a saved game that relies on content that is not there anymore (i.e: Advanced Killmoves) it will load. BUT, if I go anywhere that requires a loading screen it will crash no matter what. I think 1.6 update has made the game a lot more unstable than the last update. I used to run over 50 mods no problem, but now I have trouble even running 5
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Hmmm... . I wasn't thinking much about the update. Now when u have mention it, that may be a problem. On previos updates many mods worked just fine. Well now there is nothing more to do then wait for next one. Thx for tip. :thumbsup:
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