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NMM Will Not Resume D/L


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So, i began downloading mods with Nexus Mod Manager. I have a 180kb/s download speed, which is pretty terrible, i want to get the Monsters Mod, so it takes about 1 hour for me to download. The first time I tried to download this mod, it stopped at 71%. So I push the PLAY button to resume it; NMM say it start to resume, but no, it lies, it just starts it over. OK np bro, i'll wait. it stops again at 71% So now im frustrated, so i push the Cancel button and the Delete button to remove it from the screen. I then go back to the Nexus and click the download button on the actual mod page. It then loads up and it say: resuming download, and say 71% and it just sits there, saying nothing, except resuming download.


however, it is actually downlaoding the file FROM SCRATCH, from 0%. so i pause and then hit play button again, it now shows the correct percentage, and it now gets past the 71% mark after another hour. except this time it decides to stop at 99%.







Any help would be greatly appreciated




tl;dr version:


NMM doesn't resume downloads, no matter if you try to resume it or delete the file and re-download it. i dont want to keep tying up my slow-ass internet on a gamble. help me.

Edited by marthgun
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Are you using NMM to automatically install with the download? If so, try downloading manually, then installing with NMM as a separate step. My impression is that people have those problems only when using "DOWNLOAD WITH MANAGER" instead of "DOWNLOAD". I've never used the former, and have not encountered any problems with downloads completing.
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Are you using NMM to automatically install with the download? If so, try downloading manually, then installing with NMM as a separate step. My impression is that people have those problems only when using "DOWNLOAD WITH MANAGER" instead of "DOWNLOAD". I've never used the former, and have not encountered any problems with downloads completing.



yes, i was trying to do it the easy way, as i've never ran NMM before with any other game. I usually just manually d/l and install. but i thought it would be easier. guess not :(

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  • 3 years later...

I had the same problem... I had been downloading a 700 mb mod then after some time i paused the download and closed it then i restarted the download but it started from the begining... and FYI other downloads were resuming at the same stage.. :sad:

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