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DiverseNPCs - Need help


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DiverseNPCs is a mod that makes many of the vanilla NPCs use Rens Hair styles and Elaborate Eyes eyes.


You need both the above for it to work. It says it should be last in load order.



Iv been trying this forever and recently gave up on it but for such a small mod it makes a huge difference to the game. I have (this time) Beatiful People (which includes elaborate eyes and Rens) and the options to choose from both come up in CharGen screen, so i know theyre working.


But either, the NPCs have no eyes and the new hairstyles. OR the mod just doesnt work at all and it stops NPCs New Clothes from working too.



Iv tried every combination of load order, FCOM helper doesnt recognize it, and it doesnt work when try tagging it with either (Bash: Hair,eyes,eyes-e) or whatever other combos i could think of.



If anyone knows of another mod that does the same thing or a way to get this thing working would be much appreciated.



Jensine actually looks hot with her new hair! And the hairstyles go alot better with NPCS New Clothes.



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