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Load Order Issues (Change Within A Saved Game)


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So, I've been playing a game with the Complete Crafting Overhaul mod for a while now, and I've just learned that the crafting menus won't recognize the charcoal in my inventory as a valid crafting material for recipes that require it. It turns out that I had a faulty load order (I had the Weapon and Armor Fixes - Hacks file loaded before the Weapon and Armor Fixes file, somehow). I've since corrected it, but the crafting menu still won't recognize the charcoal, and I'd like to preserve this save if I can. Pretty much any course of action that would allow this would work, including uninstalling and reinstalling the entire game and all of my mods (but I don't know if this would work so I'm hesitant to try it).


Is there any general method for getting a saved game to reload mod data, or is this something that's either a lost cause or would require in-depth knowledge of the particular mods to fix?

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