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Incessant crashing for no reason!


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I have been playing Skyrim on medium settings for a while now, with no problems. I think i have about 25 hours in. Suddenly, as I was finishing up the Thieves guild storyline, It froze for about 3 seconds, and then crashed to desktop. no warning, no explanation. I had not changed any settings or anything. Now when I start the game, I cannot play for more than 30 seconds before it crashes again.

I have tried all of the fixes I could find online, such as lowering the settings, un-install and re-install, verify game cache, and other things. This is severely annoying. i have put a lot of time and effort into this character, and I would really like to play. ANY help would be GREATLY appreciated!

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Have you turned on Papyrus logging to see if it gives any clue as to what might be responsible for the crashing? Have you run BOSS to order your mods? There's also the possibility that you suddenly developed a hardware issue. Have you run any other demanding games since this started to occur?
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Have you turned on Papyrus logging to see if it gives any clue as to what might be responsible for the crashing? Have you run BOSS to order your mods? There's also the possibility that you suddenly developed a hardware issue. Have you run any other demanding games since this started to occur?


now that I think of it, I did actually download another pretty big game at about the time these crashes began... what does that mean? however, I uninstalled it yesterday. no change.



as for the other things, I have not.


thanks for your help!!

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Alright. Well I only have a few mods, and I've had them for almost the entire time with no problems. As far as the size of the save game file, i honestly dont know how you would find that out?

The crashes started when I was nearing the end of the twilight scepulcher... I guess I'll try loading an earlier save before I entered there, and see what happens.

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The save file location is in a folder named "Saves" at the same location as the Skyrim.ini configuration file. It will be under ....\ Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves on Windows 7. You can look at the file size and make sure it's not more than 15 MB, Shouldn't be more than 10 MB, unless it's a character that has been all over Skyrim doing every quest, killing a lot of things, and looting. You haven't installed any new mods at all recently? That's usually what does it.
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Ok well I'm not able to look at it at the moment, but I have a feeling that may be it. I have been around skyrim a lot, and I have a TON of stuff Ive looted back at my house. And I have a lot of open quests.... What would I do if this were the case?
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ok So these are my save files for this char. the size of the save file seems to have doubled since i entered the scepulcher, which seems weird because the scepulcher isnt even that big of a place or anything...

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