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Persistent CTDs/Freezes Whenever Basket-Related Scripts Show Up in My


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I either get CTDs or crashes whenever this script or similar scripts show up:


[ (000235B3)].PF_WindhelmNilsineBasketPatro_000235B3.Fragment_3() - "PF_WindhelmNilsineBasketPatro_000235B3.psc" Line 31
[07/21/2012 - 01:19:52PM] Error: Cannot call ChangeCarryState() on a None object, aborting function call
[ (000235B3)].PF_WindhelmNilsineBasketPatro_000235B3.Fragment_3() - "PF_WindhelmNilsineBasketPatro_000235B3.psc" Line 31


[07/21/2012 - 12:55:43PM] Error: Cannot call ChangeCarryState() on a None object, aborting function call
[ (000CE32E)].PF_WhiterunYsoldaCarryBasketP_000CE32E.Fragment_3() - "PF_WhiterunYsoldaCarryBasketP_000CE32E.psc" Line 31
[07/21/2012 - 12:55:43PM] Error: Cannot call ChangeCarryState() on a None object, aborting function call
[ (000CE32E)].PF_WhiterunYsoldaCarryBasketP_000CE32E.Fragment_3() - "PF_WhiterunYsoldaCarryBasketP_000CE32E.psc" Line 31
[07/21/2012 - 12:56:02PM] Error: Cannot call ChangeCarryState() on a None object, aborting function call
[ (000CE32E)].PF_WhiterunYsoldaCarryBasketP_000CE32E.Fragment_1() - "PF_WhiterunYsoldaCarryBasketP_000CE32E.psc" Line 21
[07/21/2012 - 12:56:02PM] Error: Cannot call ChangeCarryState() on a None object, aborting function call
[ (000235B3)].PF_WindhelmNilsineBasketPatro_000235B3.Fragment_1() - "PF_WindhelmNilsineBasketPatro_000235B3.psc" Line 21
[07/21/2012 - 12:56:02PM] Error: Cannot call ChangeCarryState() on a None object, aborting function call
[ (000235B3)].PF_WindhelmNilsineBasketPatro_000235B3.Fragment_1() - "PF_WindhelmNilsineBasketPatro_000235B3.psc" Line 21
[07/21/2012 - 12:56:02PM] Error: Cannot call ChangeCarryState() on a None object, aborting function call
[ (000CE32E)].PF_WhiterunYsoldaCarryBasketP_000CE32E.Fragment_1() - "PF_WhiterunYsoldaCarryBasketP_000CE32E.psc" Line 21
[07/21/2012 - 12:56:02PM] Error:  (5301152B): cannot enable an object with an enable state parent.


So far, the only two cases I've had show up are with Nilsine/Ysolda? When they occur, I am usually no where near the NPCs. Sometimes, in a different town, sometimes in some other building.

Does anyone have any ideas about how I should go about fixing this? (That doesn't involve removing the NPCs)


Any help would be very much appreciated.

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Those none objects are nothing but trouble. My log file is filled with none object errors. Does the last timestamp always coincide with the time of a crash? It's obviously not always causing a crash, since you can see from the timestamps that the errors are reported minutes apart. Maybe it's something else. I didn't even notice that they have baskets. I'll have to visit Whiterun and see if Ysolda is carrying a basket at some point.
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Those none objects are nothing but trouble. My log file is filled with none object errors. Does the last timestamp always coincide with the time of a crash? It's obviously not always causing a crash, since you can see from the timestamps that the errors are reported minutes apart. Maybe it's something else. I didn't even notice that they have baskets. I'll have to visit Whiterun and see if Ysolda is carrying a basket at some point.


Yes, Ysolda sometimes carries a flower basket; it adds to the character. Anyways, yes, the flower basket and ctds almost always coincide.

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I visited Ysolda in Whiterun, but she wasn't carrying a basket. I didn't see anything in the log about a basket either. Maybe it's only at certain times or on certain days. Do you have any mods that change Ysolda (not just appearance)?
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I recently got the following error right before CTD. Did anyone figure this out?


[09/04/2012 - 04:03:06PM] error: Cannot call ChangeCarryState() on a None object, aborting function call


[ (0006495F)].PF_StonehillsSwanhvirCarryLum_0006495F.Fragment_1() - "PF_StonehillsSwanhvirCarryLum_0006495F.psc" Line 20

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