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I'm looking for a specific mod, however I do not know its name.


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One of my favorite weapons in the game is the Righteous Authority, the Laser Rifle given to you after joining the Brotherhood of Steel. It being a favorite of mine, I maxed out its mods- including adding a Recoil Compensating Stock. For some reason, though, the stocks on it seem to have been retextured. I assume it's because of a mod, but I'm unsure of which one. The new look doesn't look nearly as good as the original texture for it, and it feels weird when I'm using it. Can anyone help me find the mod that retextured it? https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/939466072517315044/0BCFA712984B6A2C734F828B9E3943087962D91D/ This is what it looks like.

Edited by MonsterHunter439
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