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A potential idea for Wheel of Time weapons/armor


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Okay, I may have posted here a thread touching on this. It might have been in the Skyrim forums. It makes little difference. However, What I propose is a variation on the Oblivion mod of Heron Mark Swords. I will post a link later. What I would like is to take the basic weapons in game, and give them all a boost, as well as adding in different enhancements that isn't exactly enchanting to do varying types of damage. Rather, these weapons can be used in a variety of fashion without the enchantments. And enchanting a blade can enhance both the blade and the enchanting. The most sought after blades are the Heron Marked ones. These are very rare. And are sought after.

Allow me to take a moment to explain things a bit here. Enhancing like I want is not the same as enchanting, although some magic does come into play. However, what I would like to do is go one step beyond what you can do in game, with another bench, or something, to enhance that next level. You can find a scroll, copy it, and use the copy to make your sword, axe, mace, etc. into the step below a Heron marked weapon, or one that was made with the One True Power. Since the One True Power doesn't exactly exist, the weapons made can become Heron marked by additional smithing, enchanting, etc. I would make this kind of lore friendly, and a quest for making things. Armor can also be added to this.

Enchanting a heron marked weapon means the enchanting is stronger, and lasts longer. However, to keep things balanced, it would not be over balanced because you are only adding an additional 2 points to the finalized weapon. So, your weapon has absorb life, and runs out after x uses. The uber enhanced weapon has 1 additional use. A heron marked would have just one more.

Armor, on the other hand, makes those enchantments a little stronger. And adds more effects.

I know, this sounds like oh Ordinator does this and that. However, what it doesn't do is the actual weapons, etc. I want the weapons. And maybe even include armor into the mix.

I am not a modder to take on something like this. However, I am posting thoughts to see if anyone is interested. If not, it's all good. If so, cool.


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I second a request for Heron Mark blades, but would prefer rather than just a sword stamped with the mark, one that looks like the one Rand carries early on. Also Callandor or something similar for a Spellsword build.


I've zero modding experience, but would be willing to learn of someone can point me in the right direction for tutorials for someone with no time, and no artistic ability at all! (I can do some light scripting in Java, and basic C++ coding-and I do mean BASIC, "Hello World" and rng stuffs)

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