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Script Help!


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Hello, I am completely zero knowledge when it comes to scripting, I am more of a visual guy. So I need somebodys help with a simple script, please reply to this thread with the script.


I need a script where if you right click on a specified mesh, (boat) it will teleport you to a specified location.


I know how to make a "door" object teleport, simply use the teleport tab then use the "select in render window", but the object I wish to use as a teleporter does not have that tab.

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Actually I had a similar problem recently that had to deal with using an Activator. You can read it Here


Your case is a bit different, but you can use the Invisible Activator (I think it's DefaultInvisibleActivator in the CK...or something like that)

and place it where you'd like to click to teleport. In the linked post, my script was called RopeTeleportScript and my marker was called HayLoftMarker so you'd just replace those two with your script's name and your marker's name.


Hope that helps!

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Actually I had a similar problem recently that had to deal with using an Activator. You can read it Here


Your case is a bit different, but you can use the Invisible Activator (I think it's DefaultInvisibleActivator in the CK...or something like that)

and place it where you'd like to click to teleport. In the linked post, my script was called RopeTeleportScript and my marker was called HayLoftMarker so you'd just replace those two with your script's name and your marker's name.


Hope that helps!


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