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Getting Wyre Bash to work with SkyrimVR


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Hello Everyone, my name is Paul and I would appreciate any help with getting Wrye bash to work properly with skyrim VR. I included as many images and info to make it easier to assist.
When I load up Wrye Bash this is what I get. "Missing String Localization Files'
When the program loads up I check all my mods and right click the Bashed Patch and click "rebuild patch" and this is what comes up. It says no mods are mergable, in the past it would tell me what mods I could combine and which ones I should add back later.
This is what I get when I try to click any mod "Mark Mergable"
This is the message I get after creating a patch.
Here is one of the fixes I've tired. I used the program to create String files but I get the same error.
My whole goal is to make my game as stable as possible, the game runs good and I haven't encounter any crashes or bad bugs yet. Here are some images of my mod list. Any tips on how to properly and easily use Wrye bash would be greatly appreciated :)
My Mod List
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
What My SkyrimVR Folder looks like. I have the SkyrimSE Launch files in there to trick Wrye bash that I have SkyrimSE installed (This is how others got the program to work with VR)
Im also using tools like loot, vortex and Skyrim configuration tool.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!


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