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Dwemer Kit question


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I'm trying to build a complete Dwemer city/dungeon using the Creation Kit, but I've hit a slight snag. I've made a room using the DweRmSm* parts from the World Objects/Static/Dungeons/Dwemer/SmRoom kit, but I don't see an exit that snaps to any of the hall kits. I used the DweRmSmWallExBg01 exit, but can't see anything that it snaps to... Any one have any ideas?



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I'm trying to build a complete Dwemer city/dungeon using the Creation Kit, but I've hit a slight snag. I've made a room using the DweRmSm* parts from the World Objects/Static/Dungeons/Dwemer/SmRoom kit, but I don't see an exit that snaps to any of the hall kits. I used the DweRmSmWallExBg01 exit, but can't see anything that it snaps to... Any one have any ideas?




Oops, never mind. I just found it. It's DweHallBgEndCapExBg01 found in the BgHalls kit.

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