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Mod Enchanting Help?


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Alright, so I learned how to use the dev console to enchant items from there, and have them appear in my inventory, but heres the problem...


I made some Shadowstalker Gloves, that enhance one handed damage, AND gave me the nightingale shadow ability (whenever crouched, you become invisible). BUT now I can't rename it. :P


I'd like to find out how to get the nightingale ability in my ENCHANT list at the enchanting table so that I can make the gloves that way, and rename them. Is there a way to add enchantments to that list? I also tried Disenchanting the gloves that I made, but I don't know if making them that way glitched the game slightly, because it came up with a prompt saying "This enchantment is already known." and wouldn't allow me to disenchant the gloves, even though the enchantment is obviously not there.


Any help, or mods that may have resolved this, would be awesome and merits more than my Thanks even in advance :) Also, if you think this is something that needs to go in the Upcoming Mods/Mod suggestions forum, I can start this topic over there too.

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It's far easier to create items using the Creation Kit, and there are several tutorials from Bethesda and others that will explain how you can make them without replacing any vanilla items. And for that matter, spells and other such things can also be created and added to the lists with a bit of work.
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