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How to get high HP w/o cheat


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I found out how to get a characters endurance level to 100 by the third level up without cheating.


when starting a new character choose someone who has both strength and endurance at 50 I chose a male redgaurd.


when you choose or create a class make sure that strength and endurance are the favorite attributes.


finally when you pick your sign use the lady


this will put your strength at 60 and your endurance at 85


after you have created your character then level up in heavy armor, medium armor, or spear to get an endurance bonus for your level up.


reason for strength is it helps your initial HP

reason for endurance is it makes your HP gain per level higher

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well that can be done with any stat (besides luck i think), as long as you set up your character correctly with race, class and birthsign. a woodelf with specializations in stealth and with a fav. attribute of agility can start off with 85 agility, and leveling up stuff like marksman and light armor.
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