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Need Help with Papyrus


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Hmm while this script should work in theory, when I unequip/equip my weapon it stops the spell. I could tell it would work if the spell doesn't stop.


Scriptname WeaponChargerScript extends activemagiceffect  

int property charge = 5 auto
int property cost = 10 auto
bool property casting = True auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
float current = akTarget.GetAV("RightItemCharge")
akTarget.SetAV("RightItemCharge", 99999)	
weapon RHItem = akTarget.GetEquippedWeapon() as weapon
akTarget.UnequipItem(RHItem, false, true)
akTarget.equipItem(RHItem, false, true)
float max = akTarget.GetAV("RightItemCharge")
int currentint = current as int
int maxint = max as int
akTarget.SetAV("RightItemCharge", currentint)
While casting
	current = akTarget.GetAV("RightItemCharge")
	currentint = current as int
	If currentint > maxint
		casting = False
	elseif currentint > maxint - 5
		charge = maxint - currentint
	akTarget.DamageActorValue("Magicka", cost)
	akTarget.ModAV("RightItemCharge", charge)

Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
casting = false

Edited by Spinner385
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Hmm while this script should work in theory, when I unequip/equip my weapon it stops the spell. I could tell it would work if the spell doesn't stop.


Scriptname WeaponChargerScript extends activemagiceffect  

int property charge = 5 auto
int property cost = 10 auto
bool property casting = True auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
float current = akTarget.GetAV("RightItemCharge")
akTarget.SetAV("RightItemCharge", 99999)	
weapon RHItem = akTarget.GetEquippedWeapon() as weapon
akTarget.UnequipItem(RHItem, false, true)
akTarget.equipItem(RHItem, false, true)
float max = akTarget.GetAV("RightItemCharge")
int currentint = current as int
int maxint = max as int
akTarget.SetAV("RightItemCharge", currentint)
While casting
	current = akTarget.GetAV("RightItemCharge")
	currentint = current as int
	If currentint > maxint
		casting = False
	elseif currentint > maxint - 5
		charge = maxint - currentint
	akTarget.DamageActorValue("Magicka", cost)
	akTarget.ModAV("RightItemCharge", charge)

Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
casting = false


Almost like you would need two spells one to test the weapon and one to charge it.


Oops Edit fail

Edited by Spinner385
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I think I know what's the problem

weapon RHItem = akTarget.GetEquippedWeapon() as weapon
       akTarget.UnequipItem(RHItem, false, true)
       akTarget.equipItem(RHItem, false, true)


In the first line you don't specify which hand is checked. It could be the spell itself is stored as the weapon and unequiped, breaking the spell at that point.

I don't know what the syntax for GetEquippedWeapon() is. I couldn't find it on the creation kit site either. I guess it must be something like:


weapon RHItem = akTarget.GetEquippedWeapon(false) as weapon
       akTarget.UnequipItem(RHItem, false, true)
       akTarget.equipItem(RHItem, false, true)

Edited by Syfor
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If you don't specify it defaults to false or right hand


Here's the wiki on it



It doesn't necessarily unequip the spell just deactivates it when you do the weapon unequip.


Good to keep your eyes open though, I make stupid errors all the time. I've stared at script for a long time because I didn't realize I put "=" instead of "==" in an if condition.


Edit: What about a fire and forget spell that charges until its cast again? Kinda like concentration but you cast once to start and once to stop. That would work if your okay with the setup.

Or the option to unequip/equip to get rid of extra charge using the concentration spell in the left hand so it looks more natural.

Edited by Spinner385
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That the spell can only be left handed isn't a problem. I don't think the fire and forget spell will be usefull. I wanted it to be a concentration spell so the player has more control over the amount of charge he wants in the weapon.


I tested the script. The problem is the unequiping and equiping. I tried it with the flames spell and whenever you unequip a weapon, the concentration spell stops. I think we must force the player to recast when the weapon is re-equiped.

Maybe we can do something like this:


Scriptname WeaponChargerScript extends activemagiceffect  

int property charge = 5 auto
int property cost = 10 auto
bool property casting = True auto

Spell property WeaponChargerSpell auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
       float current = akTarget.GetAV("RightItemCharge")
       akTarget.SetAV("RightItemCharge", 99999)        
       weapon RHItem = akTarget.GetEquippedWeapon() as weapon
       akTarget.UnequipItem(RHItem, false, true)
       akTarget.equipItem(RHItem, false, true)
       float max = akTarget.GetAV("RightItemCharge")
       int currentint = current as int
       int maxint = max as int
       akTarget.SetAV("RightItemCharge", currentint)
       cast(WeaponChargerSpell, akTarget)

       While casting
               current = akTarget.GetAV("RightItemCharge")



This most likely won't work, I don't know much about scripting and it most likely will trigger a loop (if those 2 lines of code are correct), because when the spell is recast the script might restart and unequip the weapon again.

I hope you get the idea.

Edited by Syfor
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I see what your thinking. I'd have to look into how forcing the casting of a concentration spell is handled (not sure how to stop it). Your best bet for now is probably using this and making the spell left hand only. Assuming magicka use and weapon check are handled outside the script as discussed earlier. It should look relatively smooth to the user and trying to be greedy wont pay off for them =]


Scriptname WeaponChargerScript extends activemagiceffect  

int property charge = 5 auto
bool property casting = True auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
While casting
       akTarget.ModAV("RightItemCharge", charge)
weapon RHItem = akTarget.GetEquippedWeapon() as weapon
akTarget.UnequipItem(RHItem, false, true)
akTarget.EquipItem(RHItem, false, true)

Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
casting = false


As far as the fire and forget. You probably do, but I just want to make sure you knew what I was talking about. You fire the spell then the script keeps working and you see the charge/mana exchange going on. Then when it is where you want you fire it again and the script/spell stops. Would have to modify the script a bit but not much. And I could use the max charge in this one.


BTW if you were wondering, in that script from the earlier post, I had to change the variables from floats (decimals) to int (integers). The GetAV for charges returns floats while the SetAV and ModAV only accepts integers, strangely enough.

Edited by Spinner385
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I think that this is the best option. It would be a lot of work to make such a relatively simple effect. I still wonder why the actorvalues LeftItemCharge and RightItemCharge behave this way. I've seen some other topics about other values were broken as well.

Thank you for explaining Papyrus. Where did you learn to use Papyrus or was it just some trial and (lots of) error before you could understand it?

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About three days of bashing my head against the wall. Help from steve40 and scrivener07 is the only way I got through it. Once you learn the language its just programming, but man was it frustrating. I never dealt with anything like it. If you ever need help with a script let me know. I'm no master but I like to help when I can.
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