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Problem with random CTD


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I've been having these random crashes after I installed a bunch of new mods and it is driving me crazy. The crashes occur randomly with everywhere between 10 to 40 minutes of play time, and they seem to be totally random when they happen.


I started a brand new character, my first crash was at Anvil the Swift with the golden claw, second one was in Whiterun. Once I reach Whiterun the crashes seem to be more consistent with about 5 to 10 minutes apart. I run a lot of mods, I followed the STEP guide almost to the letter and have a few additional mods of my own.


So today I deactivated a bunch of mods which I thought were most likely to cause the crash. I've been idling now in Whiterun for several hours without any crashes, so I'm 99% certain that one of the deactivated mods is the culprit (or one of them conflicts with another mod I have installed).


Here's the list of addons I deactivated:


  • ACE - all modules
  • BDO - Better Dialogue Overhaul
  • Better Dynamic Snow
  • Better Followers
  • Better Sorting
  • Convenient Horses
  • Deadly Combat
  • Deadly Dragons
  • Duel - Combat Realism
  • Immersive Skyrim Thunder
  • Lanterns of Skyrim All-in-one (with Default preset)
  • Possessive corpses
  • Project Reality - Climates of Tamriel


Since the crashes happens randomly when just standing still in Whiterun I highly doubt it's one of the combat mods (Deady Combat, Duel). I've seen there have been problems with the sound addons so therefor I disabled the thunder mod.


I will continue my investigation by enabling half of these and testing again until I find the conflict, but does anyone have an idea what mod could be causing the crashes? All of these mods that I deactivated are pretty popular so maybe someone else have had similiar problems.


I have attached my current BOSS log (without the above mods).



Edited by Sarkhee
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