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Riposte nerf required


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I'm on the verge of starting over because of Riposte. That talent unfortunately breaks melee combat for me, because it makes attacking out of blocking stance risk free. Enemy blades will not harm you, and consequentially fights against humans cease to be a challenge. I tested fighting without riposte (actively trying not to use it), and found the combat instantly dangerous and enjoyable. However, playing the rest of the game (I'm only still in Act 1) while actively trying not to use it doesn't sound that great.


At the moment I'm considering starting over (I got the talent right at the beginning with a mod), but was also wondering if anyone knows of another solution to this? Even hiding the "sword icons" would be enough to fix things quite a bit, alternatively being vulnerable to strikes while doing it could be an option (in which case it'd be suicide against groups, and still overpowering 1 vs 1...)


Any ideas?


Meanwhile, I suppose I'll start over without it.

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