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[Help] Skyrim Cinematic


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So I'm attempting to make a little skyrim machinima like video. I'm looking for some help with the shots though.


I want to do something like this:


NOTE: THIS IMAGE IS NOT MINE. it is from the: Vibrant ENB by KyokushinOyama Staind716 and Doom916 Kudos to Midhras and bronze316 mod in the skyrim nexus. This is just for an example because I loved the shot and it's almost exactly how I want to do mine.




My goal is to do a few jumping scenes, killing scenes with a nice 3rd person camera feel to it but not like the usual skyrim camera that follows you on the back and bobs up and down.

I know ~tm will toggle menus to remove the hud to make a nice screen shot without all the extras in there. When i do ~tfc it removes the character out of the image and you can't really move so I don't see that as getting it to work.

I am trying not to do any 3D texture work in another program with the characters. If that is the case though, Ill take a moving shot of the place i want to do it and edit the 3D character over if anybody has an 3D editing tools that would be great for this, that would be awesome but it would be better if I just used Skyrim to make it.


So any suggestions or ideas would be great for this problem :)

thanks to anybody that helps :)

Edited by modsrkool
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The console command is "TAI" or "Toggle AI".


Bring up the console, type: sgtm x


sgtm stands for "Set Global Time Modifier" and it allows you to control the speed of time. (Note: This is not the same as "set timescale to x" command.)


"x" is a speed multiplier. So for half speed, you'd use 0.5. To speed up time, use a number greater than 1.


Use "sgtm" to slow down time to make it easier to catch the creature in its jumping animation.


With the console open, click on the creature you want to screen shot. This will select the creature and show its ID at the top of the screen.


Close the console and wait for it to jump. Bring up the console again and type in TAI to keep the NPC frozen.



Edited by gryph72
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