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AC Hidden Blade.


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I have seen some hidden blade requests, yet no mods. i think its because the modders cant really 'create' that kind of blade. but if you have played the mission 'Forsworn Conspiracy' you have been introduced to the PERFECT example. the 'Shiv' a small dagger in the shape of the hidden blade (maybe a bit altered). a modder could change the damage, maybe re-tex the shiv to look more like the blade, and put a decorative wrist gauntlet ( i think its called). if one is too lazy to make one, use the http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16963

glove, and retex it. a nice addition would be to 'glitch' the hand in an open palm or fist stance, so that the character would not hold or touch the blade. please make this the world MUST have it!

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