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Making monster spawner, help


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Hello, i was wondering if someone could point me in the direction of a monster spawner tutorial, how to make a spawner spawn a certain type of monster when i pull a pullchain ive seen it before so i know it's possible but i cant figure out how to do it. Any help is appreciated, thank you!
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You do this by coding. (Using a scripting language in game called papyrus)


Every function for Papyrus is listed here:



Functions you would be interested is:





Your script would look somewhat like this:


Scriptname YourScript extends ObjectReference

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
     Self.GetLinkedRef().PlaceAtMe(MyMosterBase, NumberIWant)

Int Property NumberIWant Auto
ActorBase MyMonsterBase Auto


Now you'll notice I used linked ref, and two variables. Those variables need values. You fill those out in the "properties window" (which you get from the script once you put it on a lever (a lever is an Activator, a special kind of object in the object window).


As for the linked ref, you need to open up the lever you are putting this script on, go to the linked ref tab, and then assign an X-marker which represents where to spawn the monsters at.


That's as in-depth as I'm going to go. If you watch a beginners tut this may make more sense if it doesnt already.

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great topic with some great links i was not aware of thanks.


I have created a NPC monster race that upon death i want them to explode leaving a poisonous Flammable Gas cloud


if you anyone can put it together for me i would be grateful .

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great topic with some great links i was not aware of thanks.


I have created a NPC monster race that upon death i want them to explode leaving a poisonous Flammable Gas cloud


if you anyone can put it together for me i would be grateful .


you probably should have made your own topic. But I won't harass you over that ;P High level dwarven spiders have electrical explosions on death. I do not know of any poison gas clouds... so you may want to look into a special effect and using a poison cloak spell on the corpse or making a custom spell that damages health in a radius.


You do this by editing the "destructible object" option inside the race.

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  • 6 months later...

ok im still confused on this...i have Scriptname YourScript extends ObjectReference

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
Self.GetLinkedRef().PlaceAtMe(MyMosterBase, NumberIWant)

Int Property NumberIWant Auto
ActorBase MyMonsterBase Auto


this in the script source, but i try to use the properties but i add one( for a bandit to spawn i would use LeveledActor?) the what for name? and for initial value? everything i put in doesnt work and ive tried looking at the wiki and cant find anything about it. please help thanks.

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