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Immersive Patrols and More


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Ok I wonder if there are any other good mods here similar to Immersive Patrols. I might use that one but I remember one from Steam that was different yet similar to the mod. It added more than just Imperials and Stormcloaks just like Immersive Patrols but even more than IP. Anyway what mods do you guys know that add more life to Skyrim outside of cities and towns? Also looking for any good mods that change character appearances, visual and/or environmental altering mods, and maybe an armor mod. Might think about mods that change cities/towns. Though I might could just go with player homes or the Build Your Own Town mod. I know that mod isn't near complete and presumably discontinued being updated. Oh and can you guys tell me any good mods for the SE version of the game that fit into these categories?

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