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Planning on getting the Game, are 3's issues with Windows 7 fixed


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I'm getting the game soon so I thought I would ask a small question. As the title implies, I am running Windows 7 and Fallout 3 gave me tons of crash problems. I am well aware how buggy the game is, but I'm wondering if the issues with Windows 7 were fixed and it's just new bugs that are causing problems. The version I'm ordering is the Ultimate Edition, will I need to jump through hoops to reduce crashes like I did with 3?
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I have played FNV since day 1 of its release. And yes to my dismay i have battled countlessly with crashes and bugs that were featured. But with recent patches and fixes, the game in its vanilla state is in my opinion very stable. Obviously running the game with multiple mods means less stability but i can vouch that with over 100 mods, i am running a 90% crash free game. Im sorry let me be honest, 70% crash free. My game seems to get haywire after around three four hours of continuous play; but i can only play the game for two hours before feeling the need for a break so i guess im supposedly playing the game 90% crash free lol
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I use NMC texture mixed with Poco Bueno texture mod along with multiple weapon mods and i as i stated above, i am 90% crash free. I only run with a HD 6870 and it only has 1gb of vram.


And relating to the your question gecknator, yes there are a few programs that can help with the smoothness of your game.

Id suggest looking up and getting:

The vegas stutter remover

fake full screen

and the vegas configurator.


For tweaking the your .ini for improvements you can find many guides through google.

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