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Can you make this spell mod


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Hello guys, I searched the entire nexus and I couldn't find a mod for my mod list in which I plan to long play a druid character.


1. Already found elemental magic mod that gives wind and earth spells.


2. All I need now is a simple spell that summons a wolf / bear / to fight for you. And i mean a normal one, nothing lore unfriendly.


3. And perhaps a spell to summon a mount, a giant wolf or elk/moose.


I don't know about creating mods but I suppose making a simple spell that summons a pet wolfs is easy for some of you out there. I know its a dick move to ask someone to devote his time to make a mod for free, but I'd really appreciate it.

I possess graphic design and digital art skills, maybe I might collab on some textures one day with someone here, but in coding/programing im a total noob.



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