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Skyrim Monster Mod - no changes!


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I understood that there are now new Monster Types who can spawn at the monster spawn locations ...


I already found a little amount of new Creatures, but they are sooo rare !


I mean not that there is a chance of 5% of encountering a new Monster, its more like that I have the feeling that there are only a few Spots, where I can see new Creatures.


I have been walking through 7+ Dungeons and never saw any new Monster.


They only appear in the outside area and I have the feeling that only the Region around Riften is affected.


Can I manually raise the percentage of New Monsters ? I read that this mod is customizable, so I'd say a 30% old Monsters, 70% new would be cool ...


Because atm it looks like the spawns didnt have changed at all. : \


(I played long enough to conclude this)

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