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Recommend mods for better races/relations


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A big downfall compared to Morrowind is the way all the races seem the same. They are roughly the same height. The skin colors have been dumbed down so it can be hard to tell a dunmer from a bosmer or altmer in some lighting. The racist Nords don't really react to you the way they should in places that are supposed to be wary of other races at best. Despising of them at worst.


I'm wanting a mod that changes the races so they are the appropriate heights/scale. I want bosmer to be small again! I also want the skin colors to be a lot more dramatic. And if there is something that helps with races reacting to other races more (I already use a mod that adds in some wonderful racism in Windhelm, and Trade and Barter has a wonderful tweak for the bartering) I'd love to hear about it.


Edited by Darklustre
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I think I'm going to use Mod Organizer 2 to redo my Skyrim. I've tried deleting it and reinstalling it. But all the old mods are still there from NMM. I've heard I have to delete the data folder and let Steam redo the files. I'm worried about doing this in case there are subsidiary programs that I need to install but have forgotten about. I've got the links to all my mods from NMM. Do you know how I would find anything else that needs to be installed to make the game run. Like SKSE for instance. I have that installed but it wasn't listed in NMM. I'm afraid there is something I will screw up and won't be able to play at all.

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