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SkyUI Not working


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I installed the SkyUI via the Modder beta provided here. It installed correctly, or seemed to. I played Skyrim and as soon as I opened my inv I got a message saying the SKSE was missing. I then downloaded that program and installed it per instructions in the read me file. I then copied the new launcher.exe icon to the desktop, renamed it and tried to launch the game. I got a window up that stated the TESV file was missing. This file is sitting in the same place as the SKSE launcher so I am confused as to what is wrong.
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No, I launched normally.


I found this text file on my desktop


skse loader 01050090 01CD685F97816BE0 6.0 (6002)

runtime root = C:\Users\Unknown\Desktop\

config path = C:\Users\Unknown\Desktop\Data\SKSE\skse.ini

procPath = C:\Users\Unknown\Desktop\\TESV.exe

Couldn't find TESV.exe.


NOTE: that its looking for the TESV file on my desktop, also there are two || before the file name for some reason. I suspect its and error in the text? But why does it expect the TESV file to be on the desk top?


Here I thought this as going to be simple :(

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I just tried putting a copy of the file its looking for on the desktop and I got a message that it was looking for a dll file. It also said be sure the SKSE file is installed correctly and I am executing it from the skyrim folder.


In Vista 64 bit, how do I point the normal skyrim short cut to run the SKSE loader?

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I think the problem is that you copied the SKSE loader to your desktop instead of creating a shortcut, so it's trying to run from your desktop folder (just the launcher you copied) and it's looking in the same folder location for it's other components and TESV, which is in another location (skyrim folder). You should be able to run it normally (if installed correctly) by going to your Skyrim folder and double clicking on the SKSE loader there, or creating a shortcut of the loader (the one in Skyrim folder), or pinning it to your taskbar or start menu.
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