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Gears Of War Clayton Carmine Armor


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Can anybody make C. Carmine's armor for Gears 3? Or any Gears of War COG soldiers armor? A set of it would be nice and greatly appreciated! :thumbsup:
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I have been looking on the net for some models, but the ones i found are in a file format i have never seen.


Maybe someone else can find something to use.


Heres what i found.


405th - Gears of War Reopened


Alien Technology Studio


Agraveld Tor


Those were made using the actual ported models from the game. They will be of no use to anyone here as they can't be uploaded here. Also they're for making costumes pieces so textures aren't included and the UV's/model quality were destroyed in the process of making it for papercraft.

Edited by Tribalizer
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