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Impact Perk


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Could someone make the Impact Perk occur every 3 hits, or every 10 seconds? Either one is fine -- suppose if you had to choose, every 3 hits. Though making both would be rad!


I've had a seriously hard time trying to do this in creation kit. I don't want it to be 33% random chance.


Edit: Maybe a faster "stagger" animation could be in order.

Edited by icemage24
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I honestly still have no clue to make this work. SushiSquid wrote it like this:


To the stagger magic effect, add a conditional that a cooldown magic effect not currently be active on the user. Within that same magic effect, slap on a script that applies a spell to the caster. This spell would just use a blank script magic effect with no script actually attached. I've worked with these before for cooldown methods. You should probably check the Hide in UI mark unless you want to be able to watch the cooldown in Active Effects. That magic effect would be the one the stagger magic effect requires not be active, so give the spell that applies it a duration of however long you want.


This way, first using Impact would apply the spell. Impact would then detect that new magic effect active and fail to do anything until it runs out, at which point it would again work and again apply the cooldown spell.


Instead having Impact work every certain number of hits is more complex, but should be built pretty similarly (applying blank crap as a marker and using conditionals to check for them).


Anyone want to be so kind as to try to do this, or at least speed up the stagger animation? I'm messaging others I think would be willing... to no avail.

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