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Frequent CTDs


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It seems my english is worse than i thought. As i said again and again, warzones(once its running) can't be uninstalled because it's scripts are running in the background wether its installed or not. Thats why the mod author wrote in the readme that you should keep a backup save file before installing warzones because he doesnt want to guide the user through a proper uninstallation process.


In a fresh game i get a freeze now and then but i can't quite put my finger on what's causing that; Could be anything.


TL;DR of the whole story: I installed warzones without keeping a backup save, didn't like it and tried to uninstall, warzones scripts were running in the background and causing non-stop CTDs, can't stop the scripts because the author didn't give uninstall instructions.


I'd love to get my 15hr game clean of the warzones scripts and continue playing but i just can't see a way how to do that.

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Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't understand that part. Have you looked through your scripts folder in the skyrim directory to try and find any warzones scripts and just delete them manually? Maybe the mod manager (if you are using it) couldn't properly remove them? I have seen other people with this problem and they just found the scripts and manually deleted them. That may help you.
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There are a whole lot of scripts in the folder but not one with "wz" or anything else remotely like that. It's just frustrating as hell. Indoors the game runs perfectly with a maybe a freeze every hour or so but outside it can crash any given moment. :wallbash:
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Scripts can cause outdoor crashes often. One think you could try, is to download warzones as a .zip file and extract it to a folder on your desktop. Then look in the folder and try to find any scripts and see what they are called. Then go to your skyrim scripts folder and see if you can find any and delete them.


You can also log your game while you play to a Papyrus.0 log and it will tell you the very last script that ran before the game crashed. Just add these lines to your Skyrim.ini to have it start logging your play sessions. Then read the log and look at the last script that tried to run.


Add this under the [Papyrus] section only.







It will then save a folder to your documents/my games/skyrim called Logs/Script. Papyrus.0 is always the latest one.

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Alright, after combing through my papyrus error log i dont know whats worse: to know that i was too stupid to uninstall a few mods properly or to have that kind of work load in front of me. *sigh*




I'm already way past that but thanks for posting. As i said before, the only way to fix my game is to find out how to stop the following scripts

[07/23/2012 - 04:20:48PM] error: Unable to bind script F*ckingArrow to (000961EF) because their base types do not match (had to censor that one)

[07/23/2012 - 04:20:52PM] Cannot open store for class "WZONESSpawnOMany", missing file?

[07/23/2012 - 04:20:49PM] error: Unable to bind script A_MMM_RemovalScript to (FF000D96) because their base types do not match

[07/23/2012 - 04:20:49PM] warning: Property W1 on script ATTBase attached to (FF000BFB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property


while only WARZONES makes the game actually crash.



Scripts can cause outdoor crashes often. One think you could try, is to download warzones as a .zip file and extract it to a folder on your desktop. Then look in the folder and try to find any scripts and see what they are called. Then go to your skyrim scripts folder and see if you can find any and delete them.


You can also log your game while you play to a Papyrus.0 log and it will tell you the very last script that ran before the game crashed. Just add these lines to your Skyrim.ini to have it start logging your play sessions. Then read the log and look at the last script that tried to run.


Add this under the [Papyrus] section only.







It will then save a folder to your documents/my games/skyrim called Logs/Script. Papyrus.0 is always the latest one.


Been there. Done that. Both suggestions. All of Warzones scripts are named WZONESrestofthefilename. Not even I'm dense enough to overlook such a file. But thanks for trying to help.

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