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Religious Cult Covens


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I personally think it would be awesome if there where playerhome shrines/temples to each of the major TES deities possibly with their own initial questline intro creating a base for them in skyrim, and a base, then providing random radiant quests afterwards to continue serving your god. For instance a cult of hircine being based in a small valley similar to the ill met by moonlit valley, and being tasked with to hunt great and beasts, similar to a cult of beothia that could be based in a old temple ruin, their radiant quests based around their ideology to hunt down giant and powerful beasts challenging themselves to get stronger, with variations in the quests letting you duel other cult members. I personally always wanted to have a character dedicated to clavicus vile haha.

I've always thought it would also be interesting to see a sort of restoration of some temples of auriel with the religious re-conversion of the falmer again as a sort of neat redemption story.

I can give additional details for ideas for each type of cults home and what their quests could be like if any mod creators want to pick up this sort of project.


This pack would be an essential for this type of project. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7557?tab=posts&BH=0

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