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Switching to MM2, have some basic questions...


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So I have a list of all my mods and am ready to start using MM2. But one thing I'm concerned about is not knowing any subsidiary program I may have installed years ago and screwing it up. Like trying to run all my mods but forgetting to install SKSE.


How can I go about making sure I've got everything? Also, does anyone have any advice for MM2?

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I would go to the Steam forum for Skyrim and take a look at the pinned topics at the top of the forum page by Ilja and smr1957. There you will find advice about MO2 and links to guides for MO2.


I hope I am not doing something wrong by referring to that site. The reason I am concerned is that I have never seen it mentioned in any post on Nexus looking for help and in my opinion those pinned posts have some of those most comprehensive and informed advice for modding ones game that I have encountered in my eight years of playing this game.

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Thanks for the advice. I must have asked my question badly. I'm asking how I can see all the programs I have downloaded to run Skyrim. Like SSKE. There might be something else I need to download. SSKE isn't in Data folder. So I'm not sure where to look to see everything else I downloaded to run Skyrim.

I will check out the forums for MMO guides though. I'm finding it a very glitchy program so far.

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SKSE will not show in the data folder as it is not an esp, your texture mods or enbs' will not show up in the data folder either unless they are esps. It is true that from what I understand MO2 has a rather steep learning curve but is well worth the trouble. You might try Vortex as I do not think the learning curve is as steep and there is a forum right on this site which can assist you with any questions you may have. As it is developed and supported by Nexus you should be able to get plenty of assistance with it.


As with almost everything in life it is mainly a matter of personal preference so you might try both and decide which one you prefer.

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