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All exterior containers belong to someone


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just started another thief-style/beggar character in Riften, and it struck me kind of awkward that I'm able to search every single barrel for stuff (food, expensive fish-ingredients, mainly) without any consequence. And there are LOTS of them.


I remember looking for mods that address this special kind of lack of immersion - not only in Riften, but in the whole exterior world, really - in the past, and now I'm being reminded that I haven't found any (no standalone ones at least), so I'm fairly certain such mods don't exist. May be wrong, though.


There are a few that assign previously unowned containers in interior cells to an owner, but not the exterior ones.


So, this is how I imagine things to work:

Each and every container in a city's exterior cell and in the immediate surroundings of a city belongs to someone - as soon as you enter a previously unvisited cell, a dummy faction gets the unowned container's ownership (via SKSE, maybe?), to keep things simple.

Main purpose of such a mod should be the inability to just take stuff without any need to sneak/steal/being careful, so it doesn't really matter whom it belongs to, as long as guards or other npcs react accordingly.

(Or maybe give the ownership to a jarl, or the guards, to mark it as hold property?)


This wouldn't be a very difficult thing to accomplish, would it?, seeing how other plugins are i.e. able to dynamically assign container contents.

But then again, I'm no modder, so I don't know.



Thanks for reading - could such a mod come to life?

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