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Another one, Tarot Classes & Real star signs


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Another from my list of ideas. This one i haven't seen done and i searched beforehand.


Replaces the current star signs with real ones. On these I'm not as creative as creating completely unique powers, so this would just be renaming the star signs to the ones that I think most fit the tropes of real horoscopes. The only thing it couldn't change is when the Emperor addresses you but I assume he could still use the vanilla dialogue ie: if you pick Gemini he would still say "The thief guides your steps on the road to destiny" to prevent an error. If someone else wants to come up with appropriate but different powers, be my guest.
Aries - (Uses Lord)
Taurus - (Uses Tower)
Gemini - (Uses Thief)
Cancer - (Uses Lady)
Leo - (Uses Warrior)
Virgo - (Uses Lover)
Libra - (Uses Apprentice)
Scorpio - (Uses Serpent)
Ophiucus - (Uses Ritual)
Sagittarius - (Uses Steed)
Capricorn - (Uses Shadow)
Aquarius - (Uses Mage)
Pisces - (Uses Atronach)
Tarot Classes:
Replaces or possibly just adds classes based on the major arcana. Some of them are combined in my attempts to not be redundant or have too many. There's only 20 instead of 21 but they're all kind of balanced while still staying true to the tarot card themes and being, y'know, actually viable as a build. Tweaks may be necessary, I have no idea what other people in the community see as playable or not.
Fool (The Fool) Stealth - Agility, Personality
Blade, Speechcraft, Sneak, Acrobatics, Light armor, Security, Conjuration
Magician (The Magician) Magic - Intelligence, Willpower
Alteration, Destruction, Restoration, Alchemy, Conjuration, Mysticism, Illusion
Priestess (The High Priestess) Magic - Willpower, Personality
Alteration, Destruction, Restoration, Illusion, Speechcraft, Blunt, Block
Emperor (The Emperor/The Empress) Strength - Strength, Intelligence
Blade, Blunt, Conjuration, Mysticism, Block, Heavy Armor, Speechcraft
Heirophant (The Heirophant) Magic - Intelligence, Endurance
Alchemy, Conjuration, Mysticism, Armorer, Block, Heavy armor, Blunt
Lover (The Lovers) Stealth - Personality, Willpower
Mercantile, Sleechcraft, Illusion, Alteration, Destruction, Restoration, Alchemy
Charioteer (The Chariot) Strength - Speed, Endurance
Athletics, Acrobatics, Light armor, Blade, Marksman, Block, Armorer
Guardian (Strength) Strength - Strength, Willpower
Blade, Blunt, Block, Heavy Armor, Alteration, Destruction, Illusion
Hermit (The Hermit) Stealth - Intelligence, Agility
Security, Sneak, Marksman, Alchemy, Conjuration, Mysticism, Illusion
Fortuna (Wheel of Fortune) Stealth - Personality, Luck
Mercantile, Speechcraft, Illusion, Sneak, Security, Acrobatics, Alteration
Justiciar (Justice/Judgement) Strength - Intelligence, Personality
Blade, Hand-to-hand, Speechcraft, Alchemy, Conjuration, Mysticism, Mercantile
Hangman (The Hanged Man) Stealth - Agility, Endurance
Security, Sneak, Marksman, Armorer, Block, Acrobatics, Light armor
Deathknight (Death) Strength - Strength, Endurance
Blade, Blunt, Hand to hand, Armorer, Block, Heavy armor, Destruction
Temperate (Temperance) Magic - Endurance, Willpower
Block, heavy armor, alteration, destruction, restoration, mysticism, illusion
Devil (The Devil) Magic - Speed, Endurance
Athletics, light armor, block, armorer, destruction, conjuration
Towerer (The Tower) Strength - Strength, Speed
blunt, hand to hand, destruction, heavy armor, athletics, alteration, acrobatics
Starchild (The Star) Magic - Luck, Willpower
alteration, destruction, restoration, acrobatics, conjuration, blade, illusion
Moonchild (The Moon) Stealth - Agility, Willpower
security, sneak, marksman, light armor, alteration, restoration, illusion
Sunchild (The Sun) Strength - Endurance, Personality
armorer, block, heavy armor, destruction, mercantile, speechcraft, blade
Accomplice (The World) Magic - Intelligence, Personality
illusion, mercantile, speechcraft, alchemy, conjuration, mysticism, light armor
Again, I would do these myself but I do not know how. So thanks for looking at my ideas even if they're dumb!
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