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Skyrim Save Game Corrupted Error


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Pretty much was the title says. I started a new game in Skyrim and played for a couple hours saving as a I went and then quit the game. I come back hours later and try to load the save via the 'Continue' button, ut loads a for a couple seconds and then says that my save game file is corrupt and cannot proceesd and then the game closes. I tried a new save and this time after quitting the game I copied the ESS (Save Game) files into a different folder. Tried loading that very save; same issue, game says it's corrupt. So I go to that folder with my backup and copy it back into the Skyrim saves folder and try loading it but it still says its corrupt.


II've ran a CHKDSK throught Command Prompt as administrator and there are no bad sectors. Is this problem with my game files becoming corrupt linked with bad coding of the game engine (Bug) or is something else?


Extra Notes: The game is a clean install and only a couple mods have been installed, I've had no issues with the loading of the mods.



If you could help me solve this issue that we be awesome since I haven't been able to play Skyrim for awhile.

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Nevermind, I got the problem diagnosed and fixed thanks to someone I spoke to in the Chat section. Basically it was one of my mods that I had downloaded. I believe it was the Black Sacrament Tower and Armour Pack mod. It caused several issues including stuffed way points of NPCs during the introduction of a new game. Unable to leave the Black Tower with a follower from the Black Tower Armoury (Leading to the game crashing after loading to exit the tower).
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